Daddy, I Slept Wrong!
This morning at 5:39, our bedroom monitor crackled to life. It took a second for the alert to come into focus, but I could hear Rhiannon whimper, "Daaaadyyyy... Daaaaaaaaaadyyyyy... I slept wrong...."

Well that's odd.
So I got up, walked to Rhiannon's room, opened the door and turned on the light. She was right: she had slept wrong.
The first thing I noticed was her Christopher Walken hair, followed immediately by the fact that her body was turned 90 degrees from its normal position, so she was trapped, head to foot, between the rails on her bed -- with a little imagination, she looked just like Christopher Walken in The Deer Hunter, the part where he's trapped, half-submerged in a bamboo cage, right before he gets taken up to play Russian roulette with his VC hosts. OK, so it would take a lot of imagination, but I guess that's where I was surfing on my alpha waves at quarter to six.
It took me a second to right her, re-apply four layers of covers (it IS Wisconsin at the start of winter after all), got her dollies sorted, and then it was back to bed for me, eyes wide open, staring at the ceiling with "dang mao!!! dang mao!!!!!" ringing in my head.
Captive cuteness.
Andrew (Papa)
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