The Cute Report

Rhiannon Adelia Reinhard is a child of the 21st century: first blog at three; categorizes movies by format (e.g. DVD), figured out the CD player console by the age of two, and one of her favorite shows is the US version of The Office. Readers of The Cute Report will receive occasional posts of new, remarkable, and often funny events in the daily life of a now-five-year-old girl for whom beds still are for jumping and inanimate objects talk and have feelings (Disney-inspired animism, no doubt).

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Star Wars! Star Wars?

Rhiannon has discovered Star Wars. Not episodes 1-3. Please. No, we have shown her the real deal, starting with Episode IV: A New Hope, all the way through Jedi. She quotes from the movies: "I'm someone who cares for you, someone who loves you" (from when Princess Leia releases Han Solo from his carbonite block). So, as a dad who grew up with these flicks on the big screen courtesy of MY dad having the foresight to see that Star Wars was flippin' cool and that HIS five-year-old kid was going to the show, and we saw it three times in a row, I wholly encourage Rhiannon's exploration of the Dark Side (and yes, even Ewoks).

So...that being said...Rhiannon has no Star Wars action figures (I gave all of mine to my brother), we now play Star Wars with -- forgive me Lucasfilm, Ltd. and Kenner Toys -- Barbie dolls and dolls from the Hannah Montana show. You might be surprised to learn that Jabba the Hut, the meanest intergalactic MoFo evah, is represented by Rhiannon with her Oliver doll from Hannah Montana. Yep, this guy is the B.A.M.F. of the universe:

So Barbie is Princess Leia, but blonde. Another Barbie is Chewbacca, also blonde. A Ken plays Han Solo. Another one is Luke Skywalker. And sometimes they play out the plots in the films. But mostly, they have Star Sigh.

Rhiannon. Intergalactically cute.

Andrew (Papa)


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