The Cute Report

Rhiannon Adelia Reinhard is a child of the 21st century: first blog at three; categorizes movies by format (e.g. DVD), figured out the CD player console by the age of two, and one of her favorite shows is the US version of The Office. Readers of The Cute Report will receive occasional posts of new, remarkable, and often funny events in the daily life of a now-five-year-old girl for whom beds still are for jumping and inanimate objects talk and have feelings (Disney-inspired animism, no doubt).

Monday, August 18, 2008


Today when I spoke to Rhiannon she asked me a question:

"Dad? Do you have Miss Mark's phone number?"

Well, that was a loaded question. What would mommy think if dad had the phone number of a 22-year-old, college-fresh, enthusiastic teacher? (I digress.) But I remembered that we had been given a sheet last week with contact info on it for Rhiannon's school.

"Yep -- I think mom has the number. Why?"

"I should call her one morning before school starts."

Hmm. "Why's that, Rhiannon?"

"I need to see if it's short-shirt day."

"What day?"

"Short-shirt day. When all the girls where short shirts and have to wear a hoobie bra underneath." (Rhiannon has always called brassieres "hoobie bras").

OK. I'll play along. "Well, maybe we could call the hoobie bra hotline, Rhiannon."

"What's a 'hotline'?"

"That's a number you call when you need information on something."

"Oh. Maybe you have Miss Ellen's number instead."

Rhiannon. Not short on cuteness.


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