The Cute Report

Rhiannon Adelia Reinhard is a child of the 21st century: first blog at three; categorizes movies by format (e.g. DVD), figured out the CD player console by the age of two, and one of her favorite shows is the US version of The Office. Readers of The Cute Report will receive occasional posts of new, remarkable, and often funny events in the daily life of a now-five-year-old girl for whom beds still are for jumping and inanimate objects talk and have feelings (Disney-inspired animism, no doubt).

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Treat or treat!

Today is September 27. This means it's only 33 days until Halloween. And to Rhiannon, that means that it's time to get cracking re: costumes and candy. This afternoon's activity was practice trick-or-treating. Rhiannon explained the rules:


"Yes, Rhiannon."

She hands me a plastic, orange, pumpkin-shaped basket that could hold one gallon of candy at a time. On good years, we have filled it up three or more times. Since today is for practice, we will not bring the extra grocery sacks into which the overflow is poured.

"Dad, you take this pumpkin and knock on the door."

"Do I get a costume?"

Rhiannon thinks a moment. "Yes."


She comes back with pink, fluffy bunny ears that are mounted on a headband. Although I look fetching in them, the headband is small, and the ends dig into my skull. It feels like I am being attacked by an Easter-shaped crab.

Rhiannon retreats to her room and shuts the door. I approach and knock.

"Who is it?"

"Rhiannon, usually the house with the candy on Halloween opens the door when someone knocks because it's probably a kid coming to ask for candy."


Rhiannon opens the door.

"Trick or treat!"

Rhiannon laughs. "Don't you look special."

She says "special" as in "special kids take the short bus to school."

Rhiannon puts some candy in the pumpkin. I thank her, and she shuts the door.

"Do it again, dad!"

Here we go. We repeat the scenario about ten times before I beg her to give me the rest of the candy, and she obliges, which makes me think I should have begged about six times ago.

Now it is time to switch. Rhiannon puts my bunny ears on her head and also dons pink fairy wings. She leaves her room, and I close the door after her.

She knocks.

"Who is it?"

"Dad! Open the door!"

I comply. Rhiannon walks right in, heading straight for the candy bowl.

"Rhiannon, you shouldn't go into a stranger's house."

"You're not a stranger, dad."

Good point.

"What do you say?"

"Trick or treat!"

I give up some lewt and she vanishes. We repeat this another few times.

"Now it's time to eat it!"

Uh-oh. This practice candy is left over from LAST Halloween. So of course we sit down and get through a few pieces. It's pretty bad. But then, the houses in town aren't giving away Lindt balls. Unless we go to Scottsdale.

Rhiannon is satisfied for now, and we switch to coloring for the balance of the afternoon. We'll practice again tomorrow, and I wonder if Rhiannon will make me wear her blond Cinderella wig. Again. I'm getting to kind of like it.

Rhiannon. Cute sweet.

Andrew (Papa)


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