The Cute Report

Rhiannon Adelia Reinhard is a child of the 21st century: first blog at three; categorizes movies by format (e.g. DVD), figured out the CD player console by the age of two, and one of her favorite shows is the US version of The Office. Readers of The Cute Report will receive occasional posts of new, remarkable, and often funny events in the daily life of a now-five-year-old girl for whom beds still are for jumping and inanimate objects talk and have feelings (Disney-inspired animism, no doubt).

Tuesday, May 05, 2009


A short one for you, gentle readers, this evening:

Rhiannon and I were driving home from the zoo this weekend and Rhiannon is telling me about something that happened to her recently. I forget the story she was telling, but something in it did not seem to jibe with what I recalled. I let her know this, and I tried to get her to recall what had really happened. Instead of agreeing with me, she said:

"Dad, you are at the age when you start forgetting stuff."


Rhiannon. Unforgettably Cute.


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